^^ more about our new cameras here and anyone who purchases their own X3 cam with our link will get the invisible selfie stick for free, so that’s cool 馃檪
Best Winning Day Ever 1325
I have a plan! Levi and I are going to get Adley and Clair from school early. We are going to bring them to the Spacestation because we are going to start off our summer break with a super fun day! I found this new fun center that has games, gocarts, and something called bumper boats. We go get the girls and when they see each other they are so happy!! But for all the fun that we are going to have, we need to make sure we are going to be able to see all the action.
Adley and Clair head to the confrence room where we fill them in on our master plan and give them a brand new insta360 X3! Do you remember the vlog where I went snowboaring in Canada? That cool camera I used where the selfie stick disappeared and we could see all around me? Yeah, it’s one of those cameras! Speaking of the selfie stick, we have to go find it! We go through our Spacestation Labs office, this is were our team of wizards come up with all our fun A for Adley merch. We give you a sneak peak at some of our craft boxes, a new umbrella, and a unicorn stuffy that we are working on! Oh and a huge announcement, on June 23 we are going to post our movie we showed at the purple carpet event on the A for Adley channel. So if you didn’t have a chance to see it in the theaters, you can still watch it and have your own premier party!
We arrive at Boondocks and this place looks like tons of fun! We turn on the new camera and Adley gives you a tour of the new arcade we are going to play in. But first, we head out back and cuz the kiddos want to do go carts as our very first thing! The race starts and these two are super fast! I have a hard time catching them. I catch up to Clair but Adley is still in the lead. I’m about to pass Adley when we bump and crash into each other and the tires on the side!! Oh no!! Everyone is ok, till Clair come and crashes into us too!! lol We have tons of fun racing and next we head to the bumper boats!
This is where I’m gonna shine, cuz i’m pirate dad! These boats are way fun! they are like bumper cars on the water but they also have super soakers so we also have a water battle as we bump into each other! we all end up soaked, but i think Levi and I won in our kids vs dads contest! We slow things down as we dry off with a little bit of mini golf. We all hit so many holes in one, it was amazing!
Now that we are dry, it’s time to head inside for lunch! What better way to start off summer than with pizza at our party! With warm food in our belly’s we head of to play some lazer tag, ride on a 3D movie roller coaster thingy, and a giant playground toy with slides, swings, and tunnels (its basically a Roblox Obi in real life)! Next is the arcade, and our very first game is a gigantic claw machine where you can win giant bouncy balls. On our first try Clair wins an owl ball! Adley wants to try, and on her first attempt she also wins!! she got a cheetah ball! Ok this game is awesome! We keep playing and walk away with 4 giant bouncy balls to play with!
We move on to skee-ball and ball drop, some of our favorite games where we can win tickets. We play a nerf game that wins us ticket, as well as a human cannon ball game where Adley shoots her little guy into a hot dog stand! lol!! We take a couple of spins on the ticket wheel and out of nowhere Adley gets the Jackpot of 100 tokens!! On the very next spin, Clair does too! two 100 token spins in a row?!! That’s nuts! We end the fun by getting prizes with all the tickets the girls one. What an amazing start to summer and another Best Day Ever!!
Watch Adley’s last video: —
Watch yesterday’s Best Day Ever: BABY PUFFS for BREAKFAST!! Adley & Niko crazy morning as Babies! Creative Day at Dad’s Spacestation —
snag some sweet Spacestation merch —
Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!
Don’t forget to get Adley’s free apps:
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